International Crime and Justice


Draft: Introduction and Literature Review At this point your search for relevant literature should be nearly finished and you should be ready to start drafting the initial part of your capstone project: the introduction and literature review. 10 total points.

1. Be sure to include not only scholarly books, book chapters and articles, but also reports from think tanks and reputable NGOs. You may also search authoritative news media for recent feature articles.

2. There is no need to conduct interviews in the field for this research, but you are encouraged to listen to police reform interviews at the Princeton’s Innovations for Successful Societies program at https://successfulsocieties.princeton.eduitaxonomy/tenn/13039/allinterviews

3. You should use any and all foreign languages you read to conduct this research, and you may use the college e-library as well as the internet and any other libraries you can access. Your literature review should be should go back at least ten years in the databases, or more if you are accessing an event that is fixed in time or a topic which require more historical review.

4. Once you have collected this research, you should write a short methods section for your paper telling the reader how you accessed your sources and evaluated your findings. Then present and analyze your literature by theme.

5. At the end of your review, evaluate the state of knowledge.

a. Is there a robust literature, or a piecemeal one?

b. What are the gaps in the literature that you can tell from your search?

c. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this body of literature?

d. How has this topic been researched (research methods)?

e. What do we know and what do we not know?

f. Are there any apparent biases?

g. What kinds of explanations are given for the current state of affairs?

h. What sorts of solutions have been offered?

6. You will receive feedback on this draft, and you will have the opportunity to revise it for your final assignment in Module 8.