Criminal justice

Activity #3 is an excellent way to consider the relationship between the criminal justice system (the topic for this week) and education (the topic for last week). Read all assigned readings for this week BEFORE you complete this assignment. Folks tend to have very strong opinions about both of these subjects. Your task, as always, is to attempt to see these things from a sociological perspective, relying on research rather than opinions & emotions.

Go to : (Links to an external site.)

Scroll down to click on:

1) Infographic – to get statistics about zero tolerance policies, and your choice of either a video or one of the other short articles about zero tolerance policies and/or school discipline.

2) Answer the following:


– Keeping in mind the week’s information about education, what may be contributing to the increase in suspensions, expulsions, and school-based arrests in schools across the country?

– How can we ensure safe public schools while respecting all students’ right to education?

– What steps can you as an individual and we as a society take to make sure that all young people have access to quality education?