Week 1 assignment
Read chapters, work on company selection and literature review
(literature review research) – literature review company selection –

Select organization and explain why (pick out of 4 or 5)
Submit proposal for approval , will be working on this for 4 weeks
No set page limit, 3 additional resources each week (only journalistic articles?)
Everything in APA format
Once picked a company start thinking of strategic plan, define strategic opportunity to improve company , how will the proposed opetaration change impact of the organization , why not selected others , discuss initial direction you want to take towards achieving a proposed recommendation for the company
First week = give summary what you will be doing for company selection and some of the research you have found to help with that 2-4 pages
3 articles for literature review

Wk1 Submit Strategy and Approach ( not due week 1 now, but it was, changed to week 2)
How you gonna go about your strategy proposal after you have picked a company you will use
Not the paper – give proposal for the strategy-
Term paper 10 pages
Let us know that the strategy proposal is