Concert Review

1. List the track titles and performers (and their respective instrument) featured on the album.

2. In regards to the album, identify the following:
a. The genre (Swing, Bebop, Fusion etc.)
b. The year released
c. The record label

3. In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, describe the importance of this particular album. Consider the significance of the performers (and how they impacted future musicians and musical ideologies) as well as the reaction by the general public and prominent music critics. How were views enhanced/changed/shifted because of this album and/or the
career of the performer?

4. In one paragraph of at least 4 sentences, state your favorite track and explain why. Use specific examples of the music and cite concepts learned in class (such as phrasing, solos, the head, trading fours, the feel etc.)

5. Research one of the other musicians on the album. Discuss their contributions in Jazz History including specific recordings (minimum TWO), brief biographical information, and what other bands they led/performed in

6. In a final paragraph of at least 4 sentences, argue whether this album is still relevant today or not. Consider a person who has never studied/played music before; what would this listener gain from hearing the album in it’s entirety or how might it fail to connect with them? Cite specific song examples/excerpts from the album to back up your opinion. No submissions yet. Drag and drop to upload your assignment below