Business Internship- Reflection Paper

1. As the diagram suggests, a reflection paper is your identification of the main internship experiences integrated with your classroom experience and how both affect your thinking and practice.

2. A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have learned and experienced.

3. A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in the workplace.

4. Begin by jotting down some of the reading material, assignments, class and internship experiences that stand out in your mind. Decide why they stand out to you. Reflect on the outcome of your work objectives, what worked, what did not work, what would you change or do differently…

5. It may be helpful to look at some reflection questions (see separate document) to generate some of your thoughts and feelings about the internship experience.

6. Using the first person singular (“I”) relate the internship experience to your previous knowledge and experience.

7. Consider if and how what you have read and learned changes your thinking and might affect your practice in both personal and professional situations.

8. Review the material and any notes to be sure you have included all the relevant information you can and made all the connections you can.

9. Give your reflection paper structure with an opening paragraph, main body, and conclusion.

10. It may be helpful to write the body of the paper first by using Steps 4-7, and then decide what your opening paragraph should say. The opening paragraph may be brief, but it should offer some overall statement of your perspective based on what you have learned and experienced through the internship course. The conclusion may also be brief and include how this internship experience will be of value to your future endeavors.

11. Include in-text references and a reference page for any materials you cite using APA citation formatting.

Adapted from IIRP Tips on Writing Reflection Papers 11.4.2016. Retrieved from