
Denying or questioning a vaccine is probably one of the most controversial stances you can take in 2020. You’ll be called a science denier and, of course, an anti-vaxxer. However, it’s time to have an honest and balanced conversation around the vaccine topic and understand why some people choose to skip vaccinations and question “the science.” After all, vaccines, like any other pharmaceutical product, have side effects and risks that we have to consider. We’ve all heard the line “vaccines save lives and they are safe and effective,” but how safe are they? Do parents research the childhood vaccination schedule prior to making the decision to vaccinate? Years of research on this topic has led me to
understand that most of us have been blindly vaccinating ourselves and our children with very little knowledge. In fact, barely anyone knows that vaccine manufacturers are exempted from liability, and if your child suffers an adverse reaction to a vaccine, you will be suing the U.S. govern