Nutrition fads

1. Watch the written project lecture video.
a. It is key that you watch this video so you can easily distinguish reliable vs. fallacious nutrition information on the Internet.

2. Find a video, social media post, or blog with nutrition claims or nutrition portrayal.

a. Ex: A person selling X supplement, has no credentials, is a gym rat”; A nutrition lecturer giving advice on good sources of Calcium & Vitamin D for strong bones).

3. In a 2page, reflective journal style paper, include the following information:

a. (15pts) Paragraph 1:

Describe the media content: answer all questions.
i. In what platform did you find this content?

1. Make sure to share the link or a screenshot of the post in the bottom of your paper as well as on the WrittenProject
Discussion Board.

ii. What is the main point/message being relayed by this post? (e.g., “Keto diet is the best diet”; “Vitamin D and calcium are important for strong bones…”).

iii. How is the information relayed? Is it informational? promotional? persuasive? unbiased? monetized? dramatic?

iv. Who is sharing the information? Does the presenter/blogger/speaker have any credentials?

v. What makes the content attractive/not attractive in this post?

vi. Share any other important information to describe the content.

b. (30pts) Paragraphs 23:

Identify 2 red flags that categorize the media content as fallacious (not evidencebased) or give 2 reasons that categorize the media content as reliable (evidencebased).
i. Refer to the project video for explanations & examples of fallacious and reliable(evidencebased) information. You are welcome to use other peerreviewed sources of information.

c. (10pts) Paragraph 4:

Describe your thoughts about this media content.
Opinion is valid on this last part.

i. What did you learn from this activity and how can you apply it to your daily life?

ii. What is one thing you would share with your friends and family about internet nutrition information?

iii. How has this experience impacted the way you look at social media and online content?

d. (5pts) Turnitin, Works Cited, Format

i. All papers will be submitted via Turnitin so please make sure to cite your sources and be original with your work. This assignment is meant to help you make better choices about what kind of information to trust when it comes to your wellbeing.

ii. You should have a minimum of 4 complete paragraphs, doublespaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman.

iii. Works Cited: Follow proper MLA or APA style & paraphrase. Try not to use direct quotes unless absolutely necessary. If you support a post that sounds like a fad, make sure to support your claim with an evidencebased

iv. Format: Microsoft Word or PDF

v. Even though this is a reflective paper, rules of professionalism still apply, so use appropriate academic language and diction.