Mediation simulation paper

You will write a reaction paper on the simulation when you were the mediator. In your paper address the following questions:

• What does the theoretical literature suggest should occur in this type of dispute? Use course readings; no extra research is needed.

• What occurred in the simulation? You must provide details of the simulation process. Include case information for explanatory/analytical purposes.

• Discuss why you think your experience did or did not match what “should” have happened. This section should be analytical.

These papers must follow APA style. Papers are graded on both content and writing. These papers must follow APA style. Papers are graded on both content and writing. View the video, “Revising Prose,” that is posted on Blackboard to see the desired writing style.

A grade papers

Paper offers unique insight and critique of simulation experience. Use of theoretical literature is accurate and thorough. Writing has exceptional clarity and citations are done correctly.