Non-Pharmacological Interventions for the Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia and Delirium
What group or groups produced the guideline?
What does the guideline address? Clinical questions, conditions, interventions?
What population of patients does the guideline address?
Did the panel use existing SRs or did it conduct its own?
What clinical outcomes was the guideline designed to achieve?
What are the main recommendations?
What system was used to grade the recommendations?
Was the panel made up of people with the necessary expertise? Yes No
Are the goals for developing the guideline explicit and clear? Yes No
*Does the guideline production process include all the widely
recognized steps? Yes No
*Were the SRs used of high quality? Yes No
Are differences in evidence for subpopulations recognized? Yes No
*Is the evidence supporting each
recommendation graded or stated as adequate to strong? Yes No
Is the guideline current? (based on
issue date and date of most recent evidence included) Yes No
Are the recommendations credible? Yes All Yes Some No
Clinical Significance
Are essential elements of any
recommended action or intervention clearly stated? Yes No
*Is the magnitude of benefit associated
with each recommendation clinically important? Yes No Not clear
*Is the panel’s certainty or confidence
in each recommendation clear? Yes No
Were patient concerns, values, and risks addressed? Yes No
Were downsides or costs of each recommendation addressed? Yes No
Was the guideline reviewed by
outside experts and a member of
the public or field tested? Yes No
Are the recommendations
clinically significant? Yes All Yes Some No
Does the guideline address a problem,
weakness, or decision we are examining in our setting? Yes No
Did the research evidence involve
patients similar to ours, and was the
setting similar to ours? Yes No Some
What changes, additions, training, or
purchases would be needed to
implement and sustain a clinical
protocol based on these conclusions? Specify.
*Is what we will have to do to implement the new protocol realistically achievable by us (resources, capability, commitment)? Yes No
Which departments and/or providers will be affected by a change? Specify.
*How will we know if our patients are benefiting from our new protocol? Specify.