Topic Selection:

Choose a topic (baking, cars, dog grooming, cosmetology, gaming, etc.)
Create the presentation as if you were showing it to someone that knew nothing about the topic
Be sure to include details that help explain the topic (use text and pictures)
Create a Word file:
File Name:
MLA Format
Your paper should be 2-3 pages (including Works Cited page) and it needs to answers the following questions:
What is the topic for your Final Exam Project?
Why did you choose this topic?
What keywords did you use to research your topic online?
What websites did you use to research your topic? Use at least 4 sources for your project.
What method did you use to take notes to compile and manage the information you obtained from your research? Example, did you write it in a notebook, type it in a document as you read, did you copy and paste text, etc.
As you were doing the research, did you learn anything new about your topic that you didn’t already know?