When Mr pirzada came to dine


What role does storytelling play for the characters in this book?

What stories does Mr. Pirzada tell in “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine”? What do these stories tell you, not just about his background, but about his personality? Again, think about connections between characters as a result of storytelling, the purpose of the stories, what is revealed about the character through this act of storytelling, etc.

Avoid plot summary but provide evidence by making reference to specific examples or giving quotes. MLA formatting is required, including in text citations and a works cited page (you will probably just be citing Jhumpa Lahiri, in this case). Keep in mind that you should always discuss literature in present tense. Avoid the use of personal pronouns when you are writing essays. That means avoid words like I, me, we, us, our etc. Switch your wording around to avoid giving an opinion and change it to a statement instead. Instead of saying “I think the characters are…”, just say “the characters are…”. Instead of saying “we can see the character is…” you can say something like “the character is…” or “the reader/audience knows the character is…”.

Remember, when you give an example or refer to a text, always write a couple of sentences clearly explaining how that evidence proves your point. To put it briefly, a body paragraph content should follow a pattern like this: Make a claim, give evidence, then write several sentences explaining how the evidence proves your claim.