Chapter 6 Discussion Questions

Principles of Meetly* Leadership III

61SC, OW to irurcase socialization and per isluctisity within a divenc EXouP? 2. What are the long-term benefits olglobalieation? Hms can we enable inougement teants to deselop global healthcare management competencies? 3. Why are 1:01114111111O/O011 and interpenonal Wilk so 11111,011.111I to leas-kr:ship, Identify someone who. in your opinion. exemplifies these skills. What maker that person an elevens leader? 4. lkscum the relationship between communication and organitatir man design. What are some potential harriers to effective communication, I low can leaders nuke sure their messages are heard? What can managers do to improve communkation! S. Mans healthcare praaiGtnen deal with significant wink-hie >treks. What tan managers do to aupport empknkes and help moderate thtar stress? Discuss the import:met: ofnellness programs and employee assivanee programs. 6. %Mt tole Mies team budding play in the development tnsranmrtg departments or groups? HOW des a leader dugnow conthet? What can a leader do to resolve ditletencest 7. Some groups and teams art more productive than others. Ckscribe a ream from sour sus n penonal experience Our perfisemed well on a project. Who nude that learn etTeense? Ilow did the team evolve? %that were the stagss of:plum desehipnicnt? 3. What tan a leader do to increase menivatiint? 1)iicush positive and megause reinkmentent. and give examples. What types of rewards can a leackr WC to increase produdisity? 9. /low can evidence-bawd management practices enhance quality and patient Wen? Hos, can leaskrs tinter a culture that promotes safety and continuous learning! 10. Imagine: sou have been asked to set up a field hospital m Uganda. Where do veto begin! What are the major management challenges to he addressed? 110W would you go about organinng teams? %Chat leadership competencies an needed? II. Ilaui s minister of health has asked fin tour help in dolloping primary sage wester., in the town of lkmel. 1hw would you go allow designing the acceshary services? What types of teams mould you need? I loss: could you csaluate clinical ouhoinc..! What an the nuprr chalkngcs yenu would expect to face! 12. You have been asked to assernhk and cloth” a new leadership team tin a pnitcct in Ukraine. What criteria %mold ran use to select people fir the team? What npc otplanning process would you use!