K-12 Policy Education

Find 2 recent reports on K-12 education (select one (1) report from a conservative think tank, AND select one (1) report from a liberal think tank). Some examples of think tanks  are listed below. There are many more and many think tanks are not neither liberal or conservative. So, do not limit yourself to these organizations in your search but be sure to choose 2 reports from DIFFERENT perspectives.

Conservative Think-Tanks: The Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, The Cato Institute
Liberal Think Tanks: Center for American Progress, Roosevelt Institute, The Urban Institute
Summarize the reports by discussing the following:
a. What was the purpose of the research?
b. What type of research was conducted?
c. What were the conclusions?
Explain what you learned from each report.

You must identify and describe at least two (2) concepts or terms from the course readings that are evident in the reports you selected.
Be sure to highlight the differences in K-12 education policy from conservative and liberal perspectives.