PSY303 Paper #1

Part 1. A data paper is an article that describes a dataset or a collection of related datasets. In their data paper, Liu et al. (2020) describe four datasets that contain variables regarding beliefs about free will and determinism and other related constructs. For this course, we will be using dataset 4 from this paper. The following questions refer specifically to dataset 4.

When was the data collected?

Where were the participants recruited from? (hint: 2 locations)

True or False: All participants were students. (hint: answer is on page 1)

Sample properties:
n =
females =
males =
did not report gender =
Mean Age =
Standard Deviation of Age =
Do you think this is a broad age range? How might you classify this group of individuals roughly 18-23? (Adolescents? Young adults? Adults?)


How was data collected? (hint: answer is on page 5)


Was informed consent obtained?


Part 2. Below, please state your 2 variables of interest, how they are measured in the data paper (including the subscale if applicable), your research question, and your preliminary hypothesis (note that this hypothesis can change after some literature review)

Variable 1:

Measured with:


Variable 2:

Measured with:

Research Question:


Preliminary Hypothesis: (be sure to include the strength and direction of the relationship)