Personal Support Workers in the News

In class on WEEK 4, you are responsible for reporting on a news story pertinent to your career path: Personal Support Work. Use the following steps to complete the assignment:

Step 1: Find and read/watch/listen to a news item from no earlier than 2018.

Step 2: Compose a 1.5 to 2 page summary report detailing the following:
Who is the article about? Who wrote it?
Where/When was it written? Source.
What is the article about? Most important points?
Why was the article written? Your opinion.
How does it relate to Personal Support Work?

Step 3: Create an APA cover page and a Reference page which will use APA formatting to cite your source. There will be a lesson on this.

Step 4: Sign up for a presentation time and article on the Google form.

Step 5: Present the information to the class in a 2-3 minute presentation that reiterates the points in Step 2.

Step 6: Hand your paper in through BRIGHTSPACE by Friday, October 8 at midnight. You do not have to submit presentation materials.