BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY topics to choose from:

Behavioral Genetics
Comparative Psychology of Vision
Comparative Psychology of Audition
Comparative Psychology of Motor Systems
Visual Processing in the Primate Brain
Auditory Processing in the Primate Brain
Processing of Tactile Information in the Primate Brain
The Biological Psychology of Pain
Olfaction and Taste
Food and Fluid Intake
Sex Behavior
Sleep and Biological Clocks
Motivational Systems
Stress, Coping, And Immune Function
The Psychology and Ethology of Learning
Biological Models of Associative Learning
Memory Systems
Primate Cognition
Psychological Function in Computational Models of Neural Networks
Environment and Development of the Nervous System


1. Select a Biological Psychology topic of interest.

– Find at least 6 academic journal articles on the topic.

– Articles must be different from materials used in the course (i.e., textbook, lecture add-on materials).

– For suitable articles, visit the SMU library website for academic search engines that contain academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.


2. Combine information from your articles to answer these questions:

Purpose: Why is the topic that you chose important to study?

Research methods: How is the topic studied?

Results: What are the results of the research studies?

Discussion/conclusion: What are the future directions of the research?

Limitations: What are the limitations of the findings and how can future research overcome them?


3. Complete your paper in Microsoft Word.

– The written portion of your paper is to be at least 10 double-spaced pages. Title page, reference list, graphics (i.e., pictures, figures, tables) are extras that DO NOT COUNT as part of the 10-page minimum.

– Please use headings and subheadings to organize your paper.

– Use 12 point font, 1 inch borders, double spacing, and standard line and character spacing.

– Do not have extra/unnecessary space between paragraphs/sections.

– Do not use quotes.

– You must reference information in the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper in APA format.