Drugs and Health

The student will (1) visit (physical/virtual) a professional substance-related program and conduct an interview with a representative from that agency. Questions should pertain to operation, philosophies, treatment strategies, barriers, successes, etc. Or (2) the student will interview a person who has experienced treatment and/or is in recovery from substance-related dependence.
Following the site visit or interview, write a two-page report that summarizes information obtained and description of your experience.
Content that must be included
Your personal interpretation about the facility or program, and/or your feelings and belief about the experiences the individual in recovery has gone through. Examples, (Would you refer someone to the facility? Is the facility legal, ethical, clean? Do you believe in their mission and product? What was their drug of choice? When did they realize they needed help? How did they get help? What type of program has helped them stay sober? How long have they been sober?)
Basically, write a two-page overview of your experience, whether it was a site visit or interview.
Refer to Syllabus, Class Lounge on BeachBoard, and lectures for additional information.
Dropbox Project
You will drop your two-page summary in the Dropbox via BeachBoard.