Renaissance or Baroque artist

Step 1: Select a Renaissance or Baroque artist we have studied this semester


Step 2: Write an essay (2.5 pages; Times New Roman; 12-point; double-spaced) where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period. For example, you can be Leonardo da Vinci’s model or neighbor (who is actually a time traveler from 2021). In other words, use your imagination! Whomever you choose to be, your character has to know the artist and be familiar with their work. The character should also be someone who has studied art history. Although this is a creative assignment, you still have to integrate two credible secondary sources into your essay. Don’t forget to include in-text citations and a works cited page (MLA format).

Creative aspect: Feel free to create an intriguing narrator. However, your essay must focus on the analysis of the artist’s painting or sculpture. Do not spend too much time creating/describing your character’s world; you will be graded more on the quality of your analysis and less on your creativity.
Your analysis: You have to explain/discuss why the individual is considered a Renaissance or Baroque artist. In addition, you have to show how the artist’s painting or sculpture exemplifies the period. For example, if you’re analyzing Leonardo da Vinci’s The Mona Lisa, you have to explain why this particular painting is a good example of Renaissance art, what is Leonardo trying to communicate through the painting, and what is the Mona Lisa’s significance.You should also discuss the techniques that Leonardo da Vinci used to paint this famous portrait. In other words, make sure you’re super specific in your discussion/analysis.