Argument Synthesis

Write an original, researched essay analyzing a phenomenon within the American culture or another culture. Analysis should expose the underlying assumptions and the cultural implications of the phenomenon. The essay should synthesize differing views to persuade, rather than merely to inform.

To start research, find one source from The Norton Field Guide Thematic Guide to the Readings. Find four additional sources that are peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library databases JSTOR or Academic Search Complete here at Santa Fe College.The argument must be supported by these five sources. Students should have exactly five sources.

This assignment takes students through processes of asking questions, forming and researching a topic, finding an argument, and then refining that argument as an academic research paper. Students conduct library research to find credible scholarly sources. Students then analyze and synthesize ideas from these sources to create an argument-synthesis essay. write 1200 words. Present your essay in MLA paper format. Give your essay an interesting and original title.

Create an introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention, provides background information and funnels to the thesis. The introduction should be eight sentences long including the thesis. Form a one-sentence thesis that is specific, assertive, and responsive to the prompt. Place the thesis at the end of introduction. Boldface the thesis.

Write topic sentences that directly reflect thesis content and organization and that also organize their paragraphs. Place a topic sentence at the beginning of its paragraph. Boldface topic sentences. Develop eight-sentence body paragraphs that are cohesive, coherent, and unified. Include two to three quotations in each body paragraph. Quotations should include one sentence or a partial sentence and be integrated so that the writing reads clearly and smoothly. Quotations of one or two words will not be counted. Do not place ellipses at the beginning or end of a quotation. Before quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing a source for the first time, the source must be introduced with the author’s full name and the title of the source. Include a one-or-two sentence summary following the author’s name and the title. Quote or paraphrase the five credible sources. There should be exactly five sources.

Synthesize the ideas from these sources. Document sources using correct MLA documentation. Every entry on the Works Cited page must match in-text citations. Create a conclusion that refers to the thesis. The conclusion should sum up the meaning of the essay and be memorable to the reader.