FIRST, read the article Building a Brain in a Box by Katya Poltorak.

Building a Brain in a Box.pdf Download Building a Brain in a Box.pdf

SECOND, you are required to answer the following THREE questions in a Group Discussion #5 post. Each answer MUST be at least 5 sentences (15 TOTAL sentences) in order to receive FULL CREDIT for this assignment. Please NUMBER your answers in your post.

1.) According to the article, how does the brain-simulation approach discussed in this story differ from the building of conventional computers, and how is it similar? (Your answer MUST be at least 5 sentences.)

2.) The article mentions the use of “robots in the future” in the post office. Can you think of any examples of similar technology being used today? Can you think of ways in which AI researchers could try to simulate the conditions under which the human brain evolved so as to “evolve” some form of AI? (Your answer MUST be at least 5 sentences.)

3.) According to the article, what are the tasks that “Spaun” is built to handle? What are some of Spaun’s limitations? (Your answer MUST be at least 5 sentences.)

THIRD, after you have posted all your answers, please read your fellow student’s posts and COMMENT on at least TWO of them. Your comments MUST be at least 3 sentences EACH in order to receive FULL CREDIT for this assignment.