France’s veiled islamophobia

Instructions: approximately 500 words introducing 1. the topic, 2. Research puzzle or research question that will guide your research on the chosen topic 3. reason why your research question is relevant and worth researching. Find Ideas or inspiration in facts, data, and discussions in class.
No answering your own question (not directly anyway)! Your essay should just involve the significance of the question and the reason behind it? As well as why the readers should care. All should be supported from course readings as well as your own individual research.

Research question: Are anti-immigration party voters in France influenced by anti-immigration views or is it just ignorant and veiled anti-islamist views?
Are voters of anti-immigration parties truly anti-immigrants or is it blatant islamophobia ?

Context, ideas, and outline:
France and French citizens have not had many problems with welcoming non-muslim, non-Arab, and/or white westerners. White-European immigrants are especially welcome with open arms. It only raises radical right-wing ideologies and right wing party voters when muslim or arabs are involved.
2 course readings (uploaded on files down below)
online research on:
1. Percentages of Islamophobic French people in France, percentages of anti-immigration voters, and the voting for people in parliament and right and extreme right parties in France.
2. Islamophobic rules and regulations, the shutting down of how many mosques.
3. Islamophobic online posts, tweets, hashtags, organizations, and movements in France that represent the majority of French voters’ islamaophobia.
4. Voters of anti-immigration parties actively advocating for, specifically, islamophobia.
5. Voters of anti-immigration parties and the parties themselves actively welcoming non-muslims.