dq0 transform(Park’s Transformation)

Introduction to the assignment:
This assignment aims to test the student’s understanding of dq0 transform(Park’s Transformation).

Write a report for this assignment
Report Structure: The report should include the following sections:
1. Theory on dq0 transform(Park’s Transformation)
2. Results and Discussions on the results (Question 3 needs to explain the result,put content of this part in the discussion)
3. Conclusions
4. References (IEEE format should be used)

Details of the assignment:
Consider the following three-phase positive sequence currents with frequency of 60 Hz:

⦁ Calculate the corresponding values of id and iq if the rotating dq0 frame’s d-axis is aligned with phase A axis at time zero.


⦁ Implement dq0 transformation of three-phase currents in (5) using SIMULINK and validate your answer in a.
The calculation results of simulink are as follows


⦁ What are the values of id and iq if d-axis is leading the phase A axis by 90 degrees at time zero? Calculate the result using SIMULINK and explain it.
The calculation results of simulink are as follows;