Disruptive Innovation

Various sectors have been affected by disruption. The disruption manifests in several ways- but technology has been one but certainly NOT the only driver. Some of these have been from new disruptors in the market that have driven meaningful change. However, some incumbents have been at the forefront of disruption and making fostering a significant impact for themselves and their customers. As you are aware, most academics and practitioners have been slow to recognize this and build an understanding.
To that end, you are required to critically analyze an industry of your choice and identify the leading players, preferably in a specific country and evaluate the drivers, processes, systems, and strategies that this particular company is employing to foster disruption.

To do so, you will have to:-
Determine and select the interpretation of disruption- One option is to use the criteria adopted by Bartman 2015- and his team at Harvard – see link for reference [you may select other interpretations] – https://hbr.org/2015/05/teslas-not-as-disruptive-as-you-might-think (Links to an external site.)
Select a sector/ industry preferably in a single country or Economic Zone, for example, the European Union [EU], and then a company that operates within it. Publically listed companies will offer more data for analysis (They are required to publish their information- financial performance, strategy direction, etc)
Use evidence-based assertions to support your analysis to support your recommendation.
To address this- rely on the theoretical aspects and practical insights covered in class and through further research
You must acknowledge the strategic direction the business is currently undertaking, the market dynamics, trends, and several other variables
To achieve the above, you will develop a 3000-word report that can be used by practitioners and academia. Therefore, the right blend between theory and practice must be used.