Questionnaire – 15-20 questions

This paper has two sections:

First section
Design a short self – completion questionnaire on a topic in the social sciences.

The questionnaire should consist of between 15 and 20 questions that address a topic in the social sciences. It should be completed as a word document. Please focus on only one topic and develop appropriate questions to address this.

Your questionnaire should consist of only closed questions. The questionnaire should also include the collection of socio-demographic data such as gender, age etc. Make sure the wording of the questions is clear and not open to misinterpretation.

In addition to considering the clarity of the questions it is important to ensure that the questionnaire is ordered appropriately, and that you very briefly introduce the focus of the questionnaire.

Assume that the questionnaire is being completed by someone who has already agreed to complete the questionnaire and to the ethical considerations. As such these aspects don’t need to be discussed here. However, at the start of the questionnaire you should provide a brief statement regarding the focus of the questionnaire. This should only be a couple of lines or so.

It is worth noting that you always need to be clear about how you want respondents to indicate their replies when answering closed-ended questions. For instance, are they supposed to place a tick next to, circle around, or line underneath the appropriate answer, or are they supposed to delete inappropriate answers? Decide whether to employ any filter questions and ensure instructions are clear. Consider whether more than one response can be used.

Second section

Provide an 800-word reflection on developing the questionnaire

Accompanying the questionnaire (at the end of it, in the same document) provide an 800-word reflection on the process of developing the questionnaire. This should include a discussion of:

The process of developing the questions including any changes you made to the questions as a result of piloting the questionnaire and why. You should only briefly explain why the questions were chosen to address the focus of your research. These should largely be self-explanatory to the person completing the questionnaire.

The decision-making in relation to the presentation of the questionnaire and how it is structured. This may include the question order, the types of questions employed (such as Likert scales) and why these were chosen, and the vertical or horizontal presentation of the questions, whether filter questions are employed and whether don’t know questions were used.
In order to produce this reflection, you should draw on methods literature which helped to inform your decision-making when developing the questionnaire. You should provide a list of references like in an essay.
This reflection does not need an introduction and conclusion like an essay.
Make sure you use these two sources that I have put below but make sure you also use other sources that you find