Concussion/CTE Infographic Submit Assignment

Students will develop a professional infographic related to concussions/CTE. Each infographic will be limited to one (1) page and must include current evidence from position statements, peer-reviewed articles, and reputable professional organizations.

The infographic should be something that you could share with patients that includes best practices related to concussion/CTE (this can include evaluation, assessment, follow-up, management, at-home care, etc.).

Canva and pictochart are two free programs that make professional looking infographics.

A great resource to use for this project is the CDC’s website for concussions – there is tons of information for the public for both caregivers and patients. This infographic would be something you could use to help share information with patients so it should be of high level quality. See the rubric associated with this assignment for guidance on how the infographic will be graded.