Systemic Racism focus on structural policy – book study

This book will give students many examples of systematic racism and the impact it can have on groups of people.
In this assignment, students will take what they learned from the Color of Law and develop an advocacy paper that is intended to influence and persuade the listeners’ opinion and that demonstrates why they should care about eliminating systematic racism in housing. Students will use a combination of the advocacy tips that were learned throughout the class such as: supporting one’s argument with statistics and data, social science literature, examples of the impact of systemic racism, and personal stories of how they have been impacted, changed or benefitted at the expense of others. They will also develop recommendations for how to eliminate systemic racism.

1. Read the Color of Law by Richard Rothstein
2. Write an 8-10 page paper that is structured in the following format:

I. The Problem •
Establish why systemic racism in housing is a problem (support your statements with references)
• Discuss the history of housing discrimination in this country
• Discuss the impact it has had on individuals who were discriminated against; the children and grandchildren of those who were discriminated against and the impact it will have on future generations if not addressed
• Consider the discriminatory effects these laws and practices had on African Americans and other minorities. Think broadly. In addition to considering effects on housing, also consider the impact on other areas of a person’s life such as education, economics, food security, safety, health, etc. •
Use evidence to demonstrate the need for a solution
• Use a combination of evidence sources. This can include but is not limited to: statistics and data, social science literature.

II. The Solution
• What solutions have been tried in the past to change the problem
a. What laws/programs were enacted to combat systemic racism in housing?
b. Have they been successful?

• Recommendations – Identify your own solution to the problem. Use evidence to support your answer. a. Describe your proposed solution b. Show how your solution addresses the problem and offers a credible solution c. Outline the concrete steps that will/should be taken to enact your solution.