Compare and Contrast Essay

Your essay should

– Utilize MLA format • 1-inch margins

o Times New Roman, 12 pt fon

o Double-spaced

o Student name, instructor name, course name, and date on on the top left-hand side of the first page

o An original title

o Student last name and page number in upper right corner Include an introduction, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion Contain 600-900 words Maintain consistent academic style and tone Avoid personal pronouns such as i, me, you, etc .

Possible Topics for Discussion in the Body of your Essay

• Discuss the message about life that each text shares with the reader

• Analyze how each -text deals with common topics (EL the treatment of death in Fahrenheit 451 compared to death in the recent text)

• Discuss how another character influences the main character in each text

• Consider how the main characters deal with the events in the text Do they make different choices?

• Examine whether the texts have similar character types or patterns that have been repeated in many works of literature (ex. the wise person, the outcast, good vs. evil etc.)