Defining Yourself As a Leader

For this paper:
Discuss the strengths, skills, and other positives that were revealed in the assessments that you took. Do these strengths surprise you or reinforce what you already thought? How do you use these strengths currently? Be sure to clearly explain which assessment gave you the information and cite the assessments in APA format.

Discuss your strengths further by summarizing the responses you received and relating how what you learned from the people you talked to and the assessments fits in with what you already knew about yourself, and with the work you currently do or hope to do in the future.

Develop a statement of who you are as a leader, based on your analysis. This statement should include your values, strengths, goals, and more. You should include in your statement who you want to be as a leader—what you aspire to become. This way, your statement becomes your own vision of who you want to be and an affirmation to help you grow.

Describe some of the areas that you learned are growth opportunities (where you did not perform so strongly). How did you feel about this? What areas do you feel are most important to strengthen? What steps might you take to do so?