
Choose one of the two topics below, read the article(s) in the provided internet link that is associated with your chosen topic, then write an essay based on the topic you’ve chosen.

Argument Article: “Is Vaping with e-Cigarettes Safe?”

Topic: Is vaping healthy or harmful?

Discuss using original ideas and supporting details and quotations from the article(s) in the above internet link.


Your essay does not need a Works Cited page, but whenever you quote, paraphrase, or summarize the article, be sure to give a proper in-text citation (giving the author’s last name). Your essay should:

Include a properly formatted title
Write an introduction that captures the reader’s attention and ends with a controlling thesis
Have well-organized body paragraphs that use transitions
Support the thesis with examples or explanations
Draw a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression, and
Follow standard practices in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.