Health Care Delivery Systems (HDS)

The final exam for this course is going to be the creation of a cumulative document that relates what you learned throughout the semester in relation to the components of the ‘Big 6’. The rationale for this approach is to assist you in identifying and better understanding how the 6 components of the ‘Big 6’ individually and collectively impact every aspect of an organization, and in this case your organizations. The purpose for providing the details of the final exam and the instructions this first week is so that as you work on your reading assignments each week that you can be looking in each chapter for information about each of the 6 components for your final paper. The ‘Big 6’ document is embedded below for easy access and I highly recommend that you print it out and keep it handy as you complete your reading assignments each week and perhaps start identifying thoughts for the final paper as you go.


⦁ Before beginning your final paper view this short online article entitled: “Collective Impact: A Collaborative Approach to Creating Change” it will provide you with some ideas on how to write your collective impact statement for the ‘Big Six’.

Final Exam Requirements
⦁ Each week the textbook covers a different aspect of HDS and as you are reading seek out and make note of what they are saying about each of the ‘Big 6’ components and the impact they have individually and collectively on an organization, and more specifically your organizations.

⦁ There are 8 sections for the final paper (see Table of Contents below) and the minimum length requirements for each section are listed there.

⦁ 12 point font – use standard fonts
⦁ Double spaced – 1” margins = 250 words per page
⦁ Academic writing
⦁ Proofread
⦁ Page numbers beginning with the ‘Introduction’ and include in Table of Contents

Title Page:
⦁ Course name
⦁ Title of your paper
⦁ Name
⦁ Date

Table of Contents: Include page numbers
⦁ Introduction – Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages
⦁ People
⦁ Money
⦁ Change Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages for each topic
⦁ Technology
⦁ Time
⦁ Communication
⦁ Collective Impact Statement – Minimum Requirement – 2 full pages for this topic

Your paper should be a minimum of 4,000 words which is 8 topics X 2 pages each @ 250 words per page = 4,000 words.

⦁ All resources used for your paper must be properly cited in APA format including your textbook. If you need some assistance with that check out