Short Assignment #3

Assignment – Explain how some gender, sexual and family dynamics in African societies are unique and how some are similar to other societies. Include in your discussion a reference to precolonial Yoruba gender norms and ideas around sexuality as alluded to in film “Rafiki”.

Readings/Film as mentioned above that you can choose to reference:

Session 6 Readings/Films – Topic: Gender /Kinship
1) Amadiume, Ifi (1987) “ Introduction” and “ Ideology of Gender” Male Daughters, Female
Husbands : Gender and Sex in African Society “ London. Zed Books.

2) Kihato, Caroline (2013) “ Turning the Home Inside-Out- Private Space and Everyday Politics” in
Migrant Women of Johannesburg : Everyday Life in an in Between City.pp.90-112.Palgrave
Macmillan. (dont have this attachment but feel free to google if you’d like to read/use it!)

3) Njambi, Wairimu and William O’ Brian( 2005) Revisiting “Woman-Woman Marriage”: Notes on
Gikuyu Women in African Gender Studies. pp 145-165. Palgrave Macmillan.

4) Nyanzi, Stella (2011) “Sleeping With My Dead Husbands Brother” The Impact of HIV on
Widowhood and Widow Inheritance in Kampala, Uganda” in Fourth Wave : Violence, Gender,
Culture, & HIV in the 21st Century .pp 295-317

5) Oyewumi, Oyeronke (2005)“Reconstituting The Cosmology and SocioCultural Institutions of
Oyo-Yoruba; Articulating the Yoruba World Sense in African Gender Studies. pp. 99-119.
Palgrave Macmillan.

6) Online Film “Neria”

Session 7 Readings/Films – Topic: Sexualities
1) Hendriks, Thomas “SIM Cards of Desire: Sexual Versatility and Male Homoerotic Economy in
Urban Congo” pp. 230-242. American Ethnologist Volume 43 issue 2 2016

2) Mbasalaki, Phoebe Kisubi (2019) “Women Who Love Women Negotiation of Afican Traditions
and Kinship” in Routledge Handbook of Queer African Studies. pp. 37-48

3) Nyanzi, Stella (2014) “ Queering Queer Africa” in “Reclaiming Afrikan: queer Perspectives on
Sexual Gender Identities” Modjaj Books Pty Ltd

4) Tamale, Sylvia (2006) “Eroticism, Sensuality and Womens Secrets Among the Baganda” Institute
of Development Studies 37:5 pp.89-97

5) Online Film “Rafiki” ( Kanopy)