
Instructions: Answer the following three questions in your own words by reflecting on the course material and what you learned about Christianity in the past 9 lessons. You have one week to submit your answers. Each answer should be 150-200 words. Total words: 450-600. Please follow the guidance on the accompanying document concerning references.


Question 1: Summarise Christian beliefs about ONE of the following: (i) God the Father; (ii) Jesus the Christ; (iii) the Holy Spirit. (150-200 words)


Question 2: Answer part i AND part ii (150-200 words). [You may use bullet points to answer this question]

(i) Offer an appraisal of Linda Woodhead’s argument regarding the attraction of Christianity to men and women (in chapter 6 of Woodhead’s Christianity: A Very Short Introduction 1st edn. 2004);

(ii) Explain ‘lived religion’ and indicate how studies of lived religion have provided greater knowledge of the lives of Christian women.


Question 3: What is secularization, and how does it relate to Christian decline in the West? (150-200 words)