Summary Project Instructions and Worksheet

With this quick review in mind, in this assignment, you will write a short paper following the next steps. Include headings in your paper so the reader (your instructor) is clear that you are following each step.

Step 2 – Summary: Use your best organizational and writing skills to summarize all of your work related to the topic beginning with your choice of a potentially controversial topic in Week 1.

Step 3 – Claim: Explain the claim (conclusion or argument) you would like to make regarding this topic. Moving forward, what action would you like to take and/or encourage others to take?

Step 4 – Evidence: Describe the additional evidence you need in order to support your claim.

Step 5 – Gathering Evidence: Explain how you will gather the evidence needed to support your claim.

Step 6 – Supporting your Claim: Describe challenges you may face in supporting your claim and persuading others to do so. Hint: some of the challenges may be thinking errors.