Preferbaly a topic of human resource management

Find an interesting article related to a topic of your choice. The topic must be a Management concept from one of the chapters that we study during the semester. Refer to the course syllabus for a list of all of the chapters, and be aware that you can pick a topic from any time in the course (you’ll just want to read that chapter ahead of time.)

Note that you are not trying to explain a chapter; rather, you are trying to apply one or more concepts to an actual Management situation. Do not simply outline the chapter and try to present it, or profile a company or organization.

Prepare a written report. This should be a summary (minimum 1,000 words) of the article that you will deliver to the class. The summary should give us the highlights of the article, and should more importantly identify how your article relates to the topic you’ve chosen to present. The article will probably not relate to the entire chapter; it will likely be an example of one or more concepts from the chapter. You know you’ve found a good article when it immediately reminds you of something you’ve studied! This results in not just a mention of your topic; rather the references are woven throughout your summary.

Lastly, the summary should also include the name of the article, the name of the publication, the date the article was published and how you found it. You’ll submit your summary to an assignment drop box for review, and attach it in your initial post.