Business Presentation

Option 1: Written Exam
These questions will cover major, pertinent business issues covered in the DBA coursework. This is an “open-note exam”, but concepts presented in the questions will not have cut-and-dried answers. They will require critical and thinking and concept integration from all DBA courses.
Once the exams are collected, the DBA faculty will grade the questions based on completeness of theory and thinking from a rubric. Then, a grade will be assigned to each question of:
Marginal Pass
If you receive a Pass on a question, nothing more needs to be done. If you receive a Marginal Pass on a question, a faculty member will reach out to you for additional information that may be shared via email. If a question is a Fail, you must completely re-do that question as separate Microsoft Word document.
Grading should be completed before the beginning of Spring Block I.

Option 2: Portfolio Project


The Portfolio Project will be done virtually with the screen sharing of a PowerPoint slide.  In the Portfolio Project, you must look at your industry / research / future occupation through the eyes of all of the non-statistics courses of the DBA Program.  In essence, you need to be able to answer the following questions:


* FIN 754 – Financial Decision Making in Corporations<> – How does your company make its financial decisions and, based on learnings from class, what would you change about how your organization makes these decisions?


* MGT 755 – Contemporary Organizational Strategy <> – Talk about the organizational structure of your organization and if it is set up for success.  Based on learnings from class, what would you change about how your organization makes these decisions?
* MGT 759 – Integrative Management in Business <> – How are management decisions made in your organization and, based on learnings from class, what would you change about how management makes decisions?
* MGT 763 – Innovation and Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship in Business <> – – How does your company integrate innovation and entrepreneurship into its long-term planning and, based on learnings from class, what would you change about your organization?
* MGT 781 – International Business and Foreign Relations <> – Does your company have an international presence?  If not, is there an elegant way to develop one.  If so,  based on learnings from class, what would you improve your presence?
*  MGT 784 – Corporate Social Responsibility <> – How does your company enact corporate social responsibility and, based on learnings from class, how could you get more effective in this regard?


* MKT 767 – Marketing Management, Research, and Analysis <> – Who is the target market of your organization and how do they do marketing analytics?  Based on learnings from class, how can you do a better job in capturing the hearts and minds of your target market?

Pick any TWO of the CURRENT TOPICS courses to focus on and discuss how you can integrate the learnings from class into your occupation.
Once the Portfolio Projects are completed, the DBA faculty will grade the projects based on the rubric disseminated on November 14th. Then, a grade will be assigned to each Project of:
Marginal Pass
If you receive a Pass by all members of the voting committee, nothing more needs to be done. If you receive a Marginal Pass by a member of the voting committee, the faculty member(s) will reach out to you for additional information that may be shared via email. If you receive a Fail by any member of the committee, you must completely redo your Presentation, with suggested changes.