lesson plan and presentation at an Elementary math level about Stem Leaf Plots

Include the following:

Slide 1&2: Lesson Plan: Stem Leaf Plots

Slide 1:

Overview: Write an introduction to the class activity. Include the purpose of the activity and desired outcome.

Objectives: The objectives should be specific and measurable.

Time: How long will the activity take when implemented in the classroom?

Materials: Describe any materials that are needed to conduct the lesson.

Slide 2:

Activity: Provide a detailed description of the activity. Write all steps from the instruction of the assessment.

Slides 3-7:Presentation for lesson plan

1. Presentation: Complete a PowerPoint presentation that could be used in class to teach the lesson plan.

2. Notes Section: The PowerPoint must include presentation notes at the bottom of each slide.

Instructions and scoring guide in the attached file.