Course Project

Based on your submissions and my feedback on your deliverables in chapter scenario homework, the textbook and OSUIT content, and your understanding of Enterprise Architecture processes, provide a single comprehensive report that provides the current enterprise architecture for the School of Creative and Information Technologies (CIT). This report should include all components expected within the EA cube framework supported with appropriate artifacts (at least one artifact for each level) and cover the first three phases in the EA implementation methodology as documented in chapter 4. With regard to phase 1 steps, while I don’t expect you to explicitly perform those steps (you can’t as a student), I do expect you to talk about what OSUIT needs to do to address them. For example, for the CIT school, at what level in the organization should the chief architect reside? For steps 2 – 4, why are they needed when developing an EA? In addition to the enterprise architecture documentation, this report should also have a section that assesses (with appropriate supported justification) the capabilities of each component to perform their expected function. Project details are summarized as follows: