Influence Formal outline

• To measure your ability to observe time limits
• To develop poise in a public presentation
• To deliver a speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery
• To practice effective speech organization (introduction, body, and conclusion) using connectives (transitions)
• To practice strategies for using oral language effectively

Assignment Requirements:
1. Detailed, Formal Outline (see sample outline for guidance)
2. Presentation Video Submission
3. Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes
4. Visual Aid: A visual aid is NOT required for this assignment, but always allowed if you decide to have one.
5. Audience Requirement: All presentations have an audience requirement. This requirement is detailed in the Syllabus. Presentations that do not meet audience requirement will incur a deduction or a 0 until a submission is made with the
required audience.

Assignment for Influences Speech
In this speech you will focus on three influences that have been important in making you the person you are, or influences that have contributed to your self-awareness and self-knowledge.

1. Select a person you admire who has had an influence on your life. Maybe this person is a friend, a relative, or even someone from the world of celebrity. To admire is to respect, to regard with approval. We admire people generally
for their character, the personal qualities we see in their behavior, and their skills and abilities.

2. Select a place that has helped shape you in some way you can recognize. Make your choice of place as specific as possible: for instance, not a town but a block in a neighborhood, not a home but a room or back porch, not a ranch but
a watering tank or tree — then you can let the specificity of the place enlarge into an emblem of all that it represents and stands for. Like individuals, places also influence our values, behaviors, and beliefs, our view of ourselves and of
life. The place you choose must be real, not imagined. The number of visits isn’t important; what matters is that the place has left its mark on you, and you can tell us how and why.

3. Select a single experience that has stayed with you in some influential way. Your audience can know no more than you tell them. Give them your sense of the experience; give them details. Explain why you are different because you