Global and International Business Strategy

This is an individual piece of work – select one organisation (from the list provided) and address the following aspects:
Provide only a short introduction to state the company and define the industry in context.
Part 1 deals with strategic position of the organisation and addresses two aspects (Q1 external, Q2 Internal).

Q1. External analysis of the external business environment (industry as defined –it’s not about company). PESTEL – approx. 800 words
PESTEL: 5 most important issues to be identified, discussed and each concluded as an O or a T.
Os and Ts from PESTEL should form the OT parts of the SWOT matrix.

Q2. Internal analysis (resources and competences) of the acquirer without the target– approx 800 – 1000 words
Resources (what a company has) – descriptive approach. Approximately 5 resources to be identified and discussed (each should be discussed in a separate paragraph and concluded as a Strength or a Weakness). Try to address human, physical and intangible resources.
Try to identify at least one Weakness.
Competences (what a company does). Construct a Value Chain and list at least 5 activities (distinctive capabilities/competences) within.
One activity (distinctive capability/competence) should be discussed in detail (explain the activity, state why it is good/special and provide some evidence to support your arguments) in the main body. You can discuss another distinctive competence in the appendix in the same way if you like. Each distinctive competence is a Strength, so (assuming that you identified and discussed 5 resources – 4 Ss and 1 W) in total you should have 5Ss (competences) + 4Ss (resources) + 1W (resources).
The above Ss and Ws should form the SW parts of the SWOT matrix.
Part 2 is about the deal (undertaken by the company/case you’ve chosen).

Q3. Strategic direction of the deal discussed. Construct the Ansoff matrix and place the deal in one of the sections (other 3 sections should stay empty) explaining below why do you think that the deal belongs to the stated direction (e.g. market development). Approx. 100 – 200 words.

Q4. Thinking about the same deal, discuss important drivers of international as per Yip’s model. There are 4 drivers (11 points in total), make sure you address 3 point (out of 11) while addressing this question. Approx 300 – 400 words.

Q5. Thinking about the same deal, identify and discuss motives behind the method of the deal (in all cases it is M&A – mergers and acquisitions). Think of Strategic, Financial and Managerial motives behind the deal (there are approx. 8 points in total make sure you address 3 points while addressing this question). Approx 300 – 400 words.