Learning maths in early childhood

Watch the following videos and write a sentence about what the children are learning in maths for each link .

Webinar: Playful Math—How to Teach Essential Concepts with

Fun Mathematical Games

Kindergarten STEM Lesson

Number Concept for Children with Special Needs | Special

Education | Help 4 Special

Kindergarten Place Value Lesson

How to Analyze Child’s Counting

Didax Virtual Math Manipulatives:

Toy Theater:

Dream Box Learning:

1st grade math lesson-Find the missing part of 10

1st grade Number Talks

2nd grade Geometry Video

2nd grade Everyday Math Lesson

2nd Grade Math Lesson- comparing two 3-digit numbers (CCSS:


1st Grade – Virtual Math Lesson – Geometry

Math Lessons for 1st Grade | Distance Learning for Kids

Kindergarten Math Lesson: Decomposing

Decomposing Numbers and Number Bonds