Take Home Exam

General Instructions

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This exam is to be completed independently

Worth 15% of final grade

Each question weighted equally Final take home examSpecific Instructions

Answer 4 out of 5 of the following questions

Write your answers using full sentences

Your answers should be between 24 pages in length, double spaced

Your bibliography should be cumulative and included at the end of the document
Be sure to formally cite all references used in completing your answers
You may use any formal reference style of your choosing, just be consistent

Final take home exam


1) Define worklife balance? In which industries is this most and least attainable? Explain your answer? Make reference to at least 3 readings from this course in your answer.

2) We discussed elements of psychology and work in particular considering physicians, surgeons and nurses. Explain why this area of work creates a particular risk? Make reference to a minimum of 3 resources discussed in seminar/class.

3) Is emotional labour present in all forms of work? Is it essential? Why/why not? Define emotional labour and discuss this concept in relation to at least 3 fields of work discussed in this course.

4) Is all work inherently alienating? Draw upon at least 3 examples from this course in your answer.

5) It could be argued that work is a leading cause for personal stress, health problems and anxiety. Has this problem increased in recent years (the past 510)? Or has work always been a cause of psychological and physical difficulty? What strategies exist to alleviate the hardships caused by work? Make reference to at least 3 resources discussed in this course in your answer.