Planning for green qualities in the urban densifiaction -Nordhavn study case

Main Research Question

What is the sustainability of the 15-minute city concept in urban planning and development?

Sub question 1

How does the 15-minute city concept impact planning strategies for green infrastructure amid urban densification?

Sub question 2 (Analysis) – I need this question reformulated

What planning strategies that focus on densification, green spaces and the 15-minute concept has NodHavn District, Copenhagen employed to attain sustainability? This need to reformulate because it is too broad – Include linkage formulate How can linkage improve …. for more sustainable in Nordhavn district ?

Sub question 3 ( Discussion) reformulate

How the Nordhavn district can be considered under the 15 min city … walkability … ?

MAP 2 – walkability – distance-time – home-to-services (…)