Final Paper

1. Michelle F. (24 years old), and her fiancé, Andres G. (25 years old) are planning on getting married next year. For Michelle and Andres to develop a truly intimate relationship within their marriage, which of the following things must they do?
Give themselves completely to each other, telling each other all of their secrets from their past relationships
Find ways to connect with each other without losing individual identity
Live together without committing to each other for a period of time
None of the above

2. Intimacy is an important factor in this life stage. Which of the following components of intimacy would you say is the MOST important for Michelle and Andre to attend to so that they can maintain intimacy throughout their marriage?

Respecting, supporting and caring for/about each other
Negotiating expectations, roles, and responsibilities
Committing time to the marital relationship
None of the above

3. Which of the following is NOT a social role transition in young adulthood?
seeking sameness
pursuing an education or vocational skills
renegotiating relationships with parents
gaining financial independence

4. Erikson suggests the stage of psychosocial development for young adulthood is generativity versus stagnation.


5. Alexis A. is a 28 year old woman who has come to see you because she is worried about her relationship with her boyfriend, Thomas. She tells you that she wants to be completely emotionally intimate with Thomas, but finds that he is reluctant to get as close as she would like. She tells you that she has always been uncomfortable when she doesn’t have a boyfriend, but she sometimes worries that they don’t value her as much as she values them. What is her attachment style?

6. Attachment schemas can change throughout the course of one’s life.

7. Tom C. is 60 years old and in Erikson’s stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation. Why is it so important that he raise a family and/or produce or create something during this time of life?
He needs to create a generative life story to look back on with contentment in old age.
He needs to make enough money so that he can retire and not be overly afraid that he will run out of money before he dies.
He needs to have a sense that something of himself will live on after he dies.
All of the above

8. Kathryn S. is 42 years old this year. She and her husband Mike have three boys, Austin (17), Dylan (14), and Henry (10). Mike’s father died 3 years ago, and his mother has recently developed some serious medical problems that have severely restricted her ability to care for herself. Mike has persuaded Kathryn that they should have his mother, Sharon, come live with them. This situation in which parents are faced with having both children and aging parents living with them places them in the
Sandwich generation
Boomerang generation
Lost generation
None of the above

9. Stanley Z. is a very healthy and fit 78 year old widower. On a whim, he went bungee jumping with a friend on his birthday. He has come in to see you, a social worker at the Old Age Research Institute and Treatment Center because his children are afraid that his jumping off the bridge was an unconscious suicide attempt. He shows you pictures of his deceased wife and of his eight grandchildren, and tells you that he is proud that his son has taken over the shoe manufacturing business that he started 50 years ago next week. You feel that it is unlikely that Stanley is suicidal, and that he is passing through this life stage well since he has been able
To make firm attachments to the younger generations so that he doesn’t live in isolation
Procreate and produce
To look back on life and feel some level of satisfaction and contentment
To build trust in an afterlife, and has no fear of death

10. After his wife died, Henry came to you and said that he is not going through a “normal” grief pattern. You explain to Henry that:
The normal way to grieve is to experience numbness for at least several hours, and possibly for several days
The normal way to grieve is to experience high distress for several years
There is no right or wrong way to grieve; experiences with grief and reactions to loss can vary.
No answer text provided.

11. For Henry to be able to move on reasonably well after his wife’s death, what would you encourage him to do:
Remarry as soon as possible.
Move into an assisted living facility so that someone can care for him during his grief.
Participate in a bereavement support group to reduce isolation, and increase the validation of experiences of grief.
None of the above

12. According to the book, which of the following is NOT one of the six traits for growing old with grace?
caring about others and remaining open to new ideas
maintaining a good work attitude because you cannot afford to retire
showing cheerful tolerance of the indignities of old age
maintaining a sense of humor and capacity for play
Fill in the Blank (Video Attached in PowerPoint)

13. Your older adult client, Pete, is worried about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  You inform Pete that (according to Dr. Wendy Suzuki’s Ted Talk)   is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain.


14. What two areas of the brain are specifically affected by this?


15. When we say “context matters” what do we mean (think back to course powerpoints)?


16. According to the Ted Talk we watched in class by Dr. Nicole Ruggiano, list two (of the three) approaches to person-centered aging:

17. What are your overall thoughts on the “20 is not the new 30” Ted Talk? For example, do you agree with the speaker? Disagree? Be sure to back up your point of view.


18. What is one major takeaway, for you, from this course?

19. After viewing the “Health Disparities” PowerPoint and what is included as the “social determinants of health”:
⦁ List the social determinants of health
2. Do you agree with what is included as the social determinants of health?  Disagree? Anything to add? Be sure to support your answer.

20. Describe the main point of this article/blog. Do you agree? Disagree? Please support your answer. (short answer)