Researcher Identity Memo (Fashion)

Topics and guiding questions for themes (background-biographical sketch, motivation, and
approach to your intended area of research) in the advance organizer, subsequent
paragraphs in your assignment, and the conclusion:

Who are you? (Personal historyWorldview, gender, social class, ethnicity, academic background)

What are your core values? What are your secondary values?

What attracted you to fashion?

What attracted you to the area of research you wish to pursue? Worldview?

How does your personal and or professional experience contribute to the research topic you’ve chosen?

Keep in mind, this is not a static exercise, your personal research position will change as you gain life experience and do more research. The rubric that we will use to assess this assignment is posted. Please review.


1 page (1.15 spacing), 1” margins all around the page, ONLY references may be included on p. 2,

12 pt. Times New Roman font,

Name, course code, & title (Research Identity Memo) in the header of the page.