The constitutional convention

Select 5 items below and write paragraph-long responses for each of them that explain who or what it is, where, when, and why it was historically significant.

Hamilton’s Economic Plan
XYZ Affair
Marbury vs. Madison
Jefferson’s Economic Vision
War of 1812
American System
King Cotton
Panic of 1819
Nat Turner
Manifest Destiny

Part II. Long Essays–constructing historical arguments using facts and interpretations (worth 25 points total). Be sure to use proper essay format: include an introduction and thesis statement; several paragraphs with topic sentences that provide analysis, evidence, and factual documentation to support your thesis; and a conclusion that summarizes your argument.

1) Why did delegates meet in 1787 to create a new constitution and how was the new government they created different than that of the Articles of Confederation government that it replaced? (You should discuss the domestic and international issues facing the new United States, Shay’s Rebellion, the federalist papers, the big issues of contention at the constitutional convention, and the ratification process.)