In this lab you will have a chance to code and analyze some of the raw data that you collected this semester. You have collected three forms of data so far this semester, and now you will finally have the chance to analyze some of it in order to begin identifying an answer to your research question(s).

This lab as three objectives: First, you will become familiar common coding and analysis process in contemporary qualitative sociology. Second, you will be trained in the process of grounded-theory-style (inductive) qualitative coding and will produce “initial” (1st round) and “focused” (2nd round) codes for your data. (NOTE: You are permitted to instead produce equivalent 1st and 2nd round codes for narrative or discourse analysis instead of grounded theory). Third, you will produce a sample “codebook” and a sample “analytic memo” discussing 3-5 of your main codes and their relevance to your question.

Assignment overview:

Choose some data to analyze. It must be qualitative, it must be something original that you collected for this course, and it must be ONE of the following forms of data: visual/textual content, OR a set of fieldnotes, OR an interview transcript. (approximately 3-5 double-spaced pages worth of data)

Choose an analytic strategy. You must select ONE of the three analytic strategies discussed above. EITHER grounded theory (naturalistic analysis), OR narrative analysis, OR discourse analysis. While they are not mutually exclusive, I want you to focus on only one for this assignment. If you don’t know which to use, use grounded theory (i.e. the coding examples in this assignment above).

Copy table one and paste it below. Copy and paste your data into the cell under the word data (yes, put the whole set of fieldnotes or the whole transcript into one cell of the table!).

Using table one, the examples above, and the Charmaz reading, code your data for initial. Labeling them in the appropriate column next to the appropriate section of text in your data. Then, still using table one, generate focused codes using your initial codes and place these in the right most column (the cell under focused codes).

Copy table two and paste it below your coded data. Using table two, create a codebook similar to the examples provided above, which addresses 3-5 of your most salient focused codes. Be sure to provide definitions and illustrative examples.

Write a 1-2 paragraph analytic memo in which you discuss how the coding process went, what you learned, and how the codes and concepts you have generated might help to answer your research question or to shed new light on your topic.
Be sure your document has A) 3-5 double-spaced pages of original qualitative data collected for this course. B) both open and focused codes, C) a codebook with 3-5 codes in it, and D) a 1-2 paragraph analytic memo. Rename the document with your student username in the filename and upload it to the appropriate canvas submission portal.