Redefining Realness:

My Path To Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More by Janet Mock Chapters 1-6. This is not just a direct summary of the chapters, but also an analysis of gender studies and transgenderism. Make sure to use quotes from the book. On the presentation focus on her gender identity in her youth, and talk about that in the world today as well. Her gender identity in her young childhood is the focal point of this presenetation. Also the slides have to be different than what I am saying. Students will prepare and deliver a 10-minute oral presentation to the class based on the assigned reading. This presentation develops and assesses students’ ability to synthesize, apply, and discuss course materials, as well as respond to questions from their peers. These skills should be demonstrated primarily through close readings of specific passages from the texts under study. To develop these skills each student will , 2) write a script (4 pages) for their presentation, and 3) prepare four discussion questions for the class, at least 1 of which will be taken up at the end of their presentation. The presentations will take place at the beginning of class throughout the semester.