Assignment 4: People Management Scorecard

Prepare for this assignment by downloading the Scorecard tool, found in the Assignment Information folder for Week 9 of your course in Blackboard. Save the Scorecard file as a Word document, using your name and following the format shown below:

e.g. Doe John_ JWI520_Scorecard.docx

Using the organization where you currently work, or an organization with which you are familiar:

Write your Introduction in the first section of the Scorecard:
In this section, provide a brief description of your organization, including its products or services, industry sector, location, number of employees, etc. Provide a brief, highlevel summary of the organization’s current approach to people management and overall workforce strategy. This section must be no more than 300 words.


Fill out all 7 sections in the Scorecard. Each section covers one component of people management or workforce strategy at your organization.

For each item, complete all 3 columns:
o Column 1: provide a score of A, B, or C for that area of people management (A = Excellent / B= Satisfactory / C = Poor)
o Column 2: provide a brief rationale that clearly illustrates the reasons for your score
o Column 3: provide an actionable recommendation to improve or maintain performance

Write your Recommendations Summary in the final section of the Scorecard:
o In this section, write a short synopsis or summary of all your change recommendations for the people management process. Explain how the various recommendations will work together to create significant improvements to the existing people management processes at your organization. This section must be no more than 300 words