For tracks 28-38 tracks (Two Bass Hit through Vital Transformation),

Write the name of the song and three remarkable things about it. It can be subjective, but make sure what you write makes sense and is really a distinguishing and/or remarkable feature of the song. And pick some moments from the ends of the songs, too, so I know you listened to the whole song. Also, you don’t have to get very technical, but using some vocabulary from class or naming specific instruments would be good. You can write bullet points instead of complete sentences, but make sure they are complete thoughts and make sense. To get credit, you need to show me that you really listened and thought about the track.

Here’s an example:
“Lady Be Good” (1936) Lester Young
– Starts with the piano playing an embellished version of the melody backed up by the drums and bass
– Lester Young plays an amazing improvised solo with lots of bouncy syncopation and smooth melodies
– Muted improvised trumpet solo backed up by Lester Young’s tenor sax and the rhythm section

vocabulary: Time, Rhythm, Beat, Tempo, Meter, Syncopation, Swing, Timbre, Melody, Harmony, Chord, Improvisation, Form.