Module 3 Paper

For your first class paper, not to exceed 2 pages and worth 100 points, please answer the following questions in APA/MLA format and use resources to supporting your thinking:

1)Can virtue be taught?

2)What does ethics, morality and ethical ‘persons’ mean?

3)Identify a general ethical goal to work toward in this class, one that we will be using for your final Ethics Reflection Paper. Share your topic, why it is important to you, what you need to learn about the topic and questions that the instructor can help you with. Complete directions about the Ethical Reflection Paper will be provided soon. At this point, we only need to worry about a ethical topic that you are interested in writing about.

4)The short paper will be graded via the following standard (expected time to complete this paper is two (2) hours:
– 40 points…were the questions answered?
– 30 points…grammar and APA/MLA formatting standards (including citations)
– 30 points college level work with appropriate higher level thinking